Object tiny_claws "sound of tiny claws" thedark
  with article "the",
       name "tiny" "claws" "sound" "of" "scuttling" "scuttle"
            "things" "creatures" "monsters" "insects",
       initial "Somewhere, tiny claws are scuttling.",
       [;  Listen: "How intelligent they sound, for mere insects.";
           Touch, Taste: "You wouldn't want to.  Really.";
           Smell: "You can only smell your own fear.";
           Attack: "They easily evade your flailing about in the dark.";
           default: "The creatures evade you, chittering.";
       each_turn [; StartDaemon(self); ],
       number 0,
       [;  if (location~=thedark) { self.number=0; StopDaemon(self); rtrue; }
           {   1: "^The scuttling draws a little nearer, and your breathing
                    grows loud and hoarse.";
               2: "^The perspiration of terror runs off your brow.  The
                    creatures are almost here!";
               3: "^You feel a tickling at your extremities and kick outward,
                    shaking something chitinous off.  Their sound alone
                    is a menacing rasp.";
               4: deadflag=1;
                  "^Suddenly there is a tiny pain, of a hypodermic-sharp fang
                    at your calf.  Almost at once your limbs go into spasm,
                    your shoulders and knee-joints lock, your tongue swells...";

Back to the exercise in section 18
Mechanically translated to HTML from third edition as revised 16 May 1997. Copyright © Graham Nelson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997: all rights reserved.