
A9. Library message numbers

Answer -- "There is no reply.''
Ask -- "There is no reply.''
Attack -- "Violence isn't the answer to this one.''
Blow -- "You can't usefully blow that/those.''
Burn -- "This dangerous act would achieve little.''
Buy -- "Nothing is on sale.''
Climb -- "I don't think much is to be achieved by that.''
Close -- 1. "That's/They're not something you can close.'' -- 2. "That's/They're already closed.'' -- 3. "You close <x1>.''
Consult -- "You discover nothing of interest in <x1>.''
Cut -- "Cutting that/those up would achieve little.''
Dig -- "Digging would achieve nothing here.''
Disrobe -- 1. "You're not wearing that/those.'' -- 2. "You take off <x1>.''
Drink -- "There's nothing suitable to drink here.''
Drop -- 1. "The <x1> is/are already here.'' -- 2. "You haven't got that/those.'' -- 3. "(first taking <x1> off)'' -- 4. "Dropped.''
Eat -- 1. "That's/They're plainly inedible.'' -- 2. "You eat <x1>. Not bad.''
EmptyT -- 1. <x1> " can't contain things.'' -- 2. <x1> " is/are closed.'' -- <x1> " is/are empty already.''
Enter -- 1. "But you're already on/in <x1>.'' -- 2. "That's/They're not something you can enter.'' -- 3. "You can't get into the closed <x1>.'' -- 4. "You can only get into something freestanding.'' -- 5. "You get onto/into <x1>.''
Examine -- 1. "Darkness, noun. An absence of light to see by.'' -- 2. "You see nothing special about <x1>.'' -- 3. "<x1> is/are currently switched on/off.''
Exit -- 1. "But you aren't in anything at the moment.'' -- 2. "You can't get out of the closed <x1>.'' -- 3. "You get off/out of <x1>.''
Fill -- "But there's no water here to carry.''
FullScore -- 1. "The score is/was made up as follows:^'' -- 2. "finding sundry items'' -- 3. "visiting various places'' -- 4. "total (out of MAX_SCORE)''
GetOff -- "But you aren't on <x1> at the moment.''
Give -- 1. "You aren't holding <x1>.'' -- 2. "You juggle <x1> for a while, but don't achieve much.'' -- 3. "<x1> doesn't/don't seem interested.''
Go -- 1. "You'll have to get off/out of <x1> first.'' -- 2. "You can't go that way.'' -- 3. "You are unable to climb <x1>.'' -- 4. "You are unable to descend <x1>.'' -- 5. "You can't, since <x1> is/are in the way.'' -- 6. "You can't, since <x1> leads nowhere.''
Insert -- 1. "You need to be holding <x1> before you can put it/them into something else.'' -- 2. "That/Those can't contain things.'' -- 3. "<x1> is/are closed.'' -- 4. "You'll need to take it/them off first.'' -- 5. "You can't put something inside itself.'' -- 6. "(first taking it/them off)^'' -- 7. "There is no more room in <x1>.'' -- 8. "Done.'' -- 9. "You put <x1> into <second>.''
Inv -- 1. "You are carrying nothing.'' -- 2. "You are carrying''
Jump -- "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.''
JumpOver -- "You would achieve nothing by this.''
Kiss -- "Keep your mind on the game.''
Listen -- "You hear nothing unexpected.''
LMode1 -- " is now in its normal ~brief~ printing mode, which gives long descriptions of places never before visited and short descriptions otherwise.''
LMode2 -- " is now in its ~verbose~ mode, which always gives long descriptions of locations (even if you've been there before).''
LMode3 -- " is now in its ~superbrief~ mode, which always gives short descriptions of locations (even if you haven't been there before).''
Lock -- 1. "That doesn't/They don't seem to be something you can lock.'' -- 2. "That's/They're locked at the moment.'' -- 3. "First you'll have to close <x1>.'' -- 4. "That doesn't/Those don't seem to fit the lock.'' -- 5. "You lock <x1>.''
Look -- 1. " (on <x1>)'' -- 2. " (in <x1>)'' -- 3. " (as <x1>)'' -- 4. "^On <x1> is/are <list>'' -- 5. "[On/In <x1>] you/You can also see <list> [here].'' -- 6. "[On/In <x1>] you/You can see <list> [here].''
LookUnder -- 1. "But it's dark.'' -- "You find nothing of interest.''
Mild -- "Quite.''
ListMiscellany -- 1. " (providing light)'' -- 2. " (which is/are closed)'' -- 3. " (closed and providing light)'' -- 4. " (which is/are empty)'' -- 5. " (empty and providing light)'' -- 6. " (which is/are closed and empty)'' -- 7. " (closed, empty and providing light)'' -- 8. " (providing light and being worn'' -- 9. " (providing light'' -- 10. " (being worn'' -- 11. " (which is/are '' -- 12. "open'' -- 13. "open but empty'' -- 14. "closed'' -- 15. "closed and locked'' -- 16. " and empty'' -- 17. " (which is/are empty)'' -- 18. " containing '' -- 19. " (on '' -- 20. ", on top of '' -- 21. " (in '' -- 22. ", inside ''
Miscellany -- 1. "(considering the first sixteen objects only)^'' -- 2. "Nothing to do!'' -- 3. " You have died '' -- 4. " You have won '' -- 5. (The RESTART/RESTORE/QUIT and possibly FULL and AMUSING query, printed after the game is over.) -- 6. "[Your interpreter does not provide undo. Sorry!]'' -- 7. "Undo failed. [Not all interpreters provide it.]'' -- 8. "Please give one of the answers above.'' -- 9. "^It is now pitch dark in here!'' -- 10. "I beg your pardon?'' -- 11. "[You can't "undo'' what hasn't been done!]'' -- 12. "[Can't "undo'' twice in succession. Sorry!]'' -- 13. "[Previous turn undone.]'' -- 14. "Sorry, that can't be corrected.'' -- 15. "Think nothing of it.'' -- 16. ""Oops'' can only correct a single word.'' -- 17. "It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing.'' -- 18. "yourself'' (the short name of the selfobj object) -- 19. "As good-looking as ever.'' -- 20. "To repeat a command like "frog, jump'', just say "again'', not "frog, again''.'' -- 21. "You can hardly repeat that.'' -- 22. "You can't begin with a comma.'' -- 23. "You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom.'' -- 24. "You can't talk to <x1>.'' -- 25. "To talk to someone, try "someone, hello'' or some such.'' -- 26. "(first taking not_holding)'' -- 27. "I didn't understand that sentence.'' -- 28. "I only understood you as far as wanting to '' -- 29. "I didn't understand that number.'' -- 30. "You can't see any such thing.'' -- 31. "You seem to have said too little!'' -- 32. "You aren't holding that!'' -- 33. "You can't use multiple objects with that verb.'' -- 34. "You can only use multiple objects once on a line.'' -- 35. "I'm not sure what "<pronoun>'' refers to.'' -- 36. "You excepted something not included anyway!'' -- 37. "You can only do that to something animate.'' -- 38. "That's not a verb I recognise.'' -- 39. "That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game.'' -- 40. "You can't see "<pronoun>'' (<value>) at the moment.'' -- 41. "I didn't understand the way that finished.'' -- 42. "None/only <x1> of those is/are available.'' -- 43. "Nothing to do!'' -- 44. "There are none at all available!'' -- 45. "Who do you mean, '' -- 46. "Which do you mean, '' -- 47. "Sorry, you can only have one item here. Which exactly?'' -- 48. "Whom do you want [<actor>] to <command>?'' -- 49. "What do you want [<actor>] to <command>?'' -- 50. "Your score has just gone up/down by <x1> point/points.'' -- 51. "(Since something dramatic has happened, your list of commands has been cut short.)'' -- 52. "Type a number from 1 to <x1>, 0 to redisplay or press ENTER.'' -- 53. "[Please press SPACE.]''
No -- see Yes
NotifyOff -- "Score notification off.''
NotifyOn -- "Score notification on.''
Objects -- 1. "Objects you have handled:^'' -- 2. "None.'' -- 3. " (worn)'' -- 4. " (held)'' -- 5. " (given away)'' -- 6. " (in <x1>)'' [without article] -- 7. " (in <x1>)'' [with article] -- 8. " (inside <x1>)'' -- 9. " (on <x1>)'' -- 10. " (lost)''
Open -- 1. "That's/They're not something you can open.'' -- 2. "It seems/They seem to be locked.'' -- 3. "That's/They're already open.'' -- 4. "You open <x1>, revealing <children>'' -- 5. "You open <x1>.''
Order -- "<x1> has/have better things to do.''
Places -- "You have visited: ''
Pray -- "Nothing practical results from your prayer.''
Prompt -- 1. "^>''
Pronouns -- 1. "At the moment, '' -- 2. "means '' -- 3. "is unset '' -- 4. "no pronouns are known to the game.''
Pull -- 1. "It is/Those are fixed in place.'' -- 2. "You are unable to.'' -- 3. "Nothing obvious happens.'' -- 4. "That would be less than courteous.''
Push -- see Pull
PushDir -- 1. "Is that the best you can think of?'' -- 2. "That's not a direction.'' -- 3. "Not that way you can't.''
PutOn -- 1. "You need to be holding <x1> before you can put it/them on top of something else.'' -- 2. "You can't put something on top of itself.'' -- 3. "Putting things on <x1> would achieve nothing.'' -- 4. "You lack the dexterity.'' -- 5. "(first taking it/them off)^'' -- 6. "There is no more room on <x1>.'' -- 7. "Done.'' -- 8. "You put <x1> on <second>.''
Quit -- 1. "Please answer yes or no.'' -- 2. "Are you sure you want to quit? ''
Remove -- 1. "It is/They are unfortunately closed.'' -- 2. "But it isn't/they aren't there now.'' -- 3. "Removed.''
Restart -- 1. "Are you sure you want to restart? '' -- 2. "Failed.''
Restore -- 1. "Restore failed.'' -- 2. "Ok.''
Rub -- "You achieve nothing by this.''
Save -- 1. "Save failed.'' -- 2. "Ok.''
Score -- "You have so far/In that game you scored <score> out of a possible MAX_SCORE, in <turns> turn/turns''
ScriptOn -- 1. "Transcripting is already on.'' -- 2. "Start of a transcript of''
ScriptOff -- 1. "Transcripting is already off.'' -- 2. "^End of transcript.''
Search -- 1. "But it's dark.'' -- 2. "There is nothing on <x1>.'' -- 3. "On <x1> is/are <list of children>.'' -- 4. "You find nothing of interest.'' -- 5. "You can't see inside, since <x1> is/are closed.'' -- 6. "<x1> is/are empty.'' -- 7. "In <x1> is/are <list of children>.''
Set -- "No, you can't set that/those.''
SetTo -- "No, you can't set that/those to anything.''
Show -- 1. "You aren't holding <x1>.'' -- 2. "<x1> is/are unimpressed.''
Sing -- "Your singing is abominable.''
Sleep -- "You aren't feeling especially drowsy.''
Smell -- "You smell nothing unexpected.''
Sorry -- "Oh, don't apologise.''
Squeeze -- 1. "Keep your hands to yourself.'' -- 2. "You achieve nothing by this.''
Strong -- "Real adventurers do not use such language.''
Swim -- "There's not enough water to swim in.''
Swing -- "There's nothing sensible to swing here.''
SwitchOff -- 1. "That's/They're not something you can switch.'' -- 2. "That's/They're already off.'' -- 3. "You switch <x1> off.''
SwitchOn -- 1. "That's/They're not something you can switch.'' -- 2. "That's/They're already on.'' -- 3. "You switch <x1> on.''
Take -- 1. "Taken.'' -- 2. "You are always self-possessed.'' -- 3. "I don't suppose <x1> would care for that.'' -- 4. "You'd have to get off/out of <x1> first.'' -- 5. "You already have that/those.'' -- 6. "That seems/Those seem to belong to <x1>.'' -- 7. "That seems/Those seem to be a part of <x1>.'' -- 8. "That isn't/Those aren't available.'' -- 9. "<x1> isn't/aren't open.'' -- 10. "That's/They're hardly portable.'' -- 11. "That's/They're fixed in place.'' -- 12. "You're carrying too many things already.'' -- 13. "(putting <x1> into SACK_OBJECT to make room)''
Taste -- "You taste nothing unexpected.''
Tell -- 1. "You talk to yourself a while.'' -- 2. "This provokes no reaction.''
Touch -- 1. "Keep your hands to yourself!'' -- 2. "You feel nothing unexpected.'' -- 3. "If you think that'll help.''
Think -- "What a good idea.''
Tie -- "You would achieve nothing by this.''
ThrowAt -- 1. "Futile.'' -- 2. "You lack the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment.''
Turn -- see Pull
Unlock -- 1. "That doesn't seem to be something you can unlock.'' -- 2. "It's/They're unlocked at the moment.'' -- 3. "That doesn't/Those don't seem to fit the lock.'' -- 4. "You unlock <x1>.''
VagueGo -- "You'll have to say which compass direction to go in.''
Verify -- 1. "The game file has verified as intact.'' -- 2. "The game file did not verify properly, and may be corrupted (or you may be running it on a very primitive interpreter which is unable properly to perform the test).''
Wait -- "Time passes.''
Wake -- "The dreadful truth is, this is not a dream.''
WakeOther -- "That seems unnecessary.''
Wave -- 1. "But you aren't holding that/those.'' -- 2. "You look ridiculous waving <x1>.''
WaveHands -- "You wave, feeling foolish.''
Wear -- 1. "You can't wear that/those!'' -- 2. "You're not holding that/those!'' -- 3. "You're already wearing that/those!'' -- 4. "You put on <x1>.''
Yes -- "That was a rhetorical question.''

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Chapter I / Chapter II / Chapter III / Chapter IV / Chapter V / Chapter VI / Appendix
Mechanically translated to HTML from third edition as revised 16 May 1997. Copyright © Graham Nelson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997: all rights reserved.